Sitemap - 2024 - Living Liminally

This post is for my mom

My Christmas gift to you

Resource: prayer calendar for January

Overstories are powerful

My annual coaching special for clergy

The Advent I need

Happy Thanksgiving

Liturgy for the end of a pastorate

This is a hard season

Flourishing churches look like...

Taking a coach approach to supervision

Resource: mutual ministry review

Election day self-care

A month isn't long enough for pastor appreciation

When your church tries to do too much

Things you don't have to earn

Resource: Rejoicing in God's saints

When pastors need to leave congregational work

What to get your minister for Clergy Appreciation Month

Living Liminally turns 1!

Administrative roles in churches are changing

What your pastor needs you to know as we get closer to the election

One reason some pastors are struggling right now

Generosity is...

Now is a great time to try out coaching

Welcoming newcomers to your church

When a beloved church member dies during the pastor's sabbatical

Digging deeper into history and culture

One key to and one tool for being a great lay leader

Yes, we can

Forging new paths

How to communicate effectively in relationships

A tool for every congregation’s toolbox

Moving from a victim mindset when it comes to constraints

Constraints can be beautiful

A tool for mapping congregational conversations

What would your church be freed up to do if it didn't have (as many) building concerns?

Healing disaffiliation-related trauma in United Methodist congregations

So many churches in between pastors and so few interim ministers to accompany them

When your lay leadership structure is too big for your church

Is your pastor going on sabbatical?

Sabbaticals are good and necessary, but...

I know the robots are coming

Is this a time management issue?

"We need more young families in our church."

The importance of the many worship leadership roles

Wondering what coaching is all about?

Discount off my latest workbook for paid Substack subscribers

New resource: Alphabet for an Evolving Church

The rising tide of women's college basketball lifts all boats

Signs your congregation might have unrealistic expectations of the pastor, part 2

Signs your congregation might have unrealistic expectations of the pastor, part 1

The mental load of a pastor during Holy Week

It's time for a reset at the individual and congregational levels

When the Church Stops Working

What to look for in a coach

Loneliness in clergywomen - its causes and impacts and what we can do about it

When not to collaborate

Reimagining Monopoly

Before I was a coach, I wanted to be...a coach?

I need a taco. (Ok, "need" might be a bit strong.)

Why does pastoring feel so vulnerable?

A call to contemplation for Lent

The importance of contemplation

How to train lay leaders

Lenten prayer calendar

The problem with "call" language

Do you know how to not work?

There's more than one model of visionary leadership

My word for the year

As this new year begins...