My annual coaching special for clergy
Don't leave any of your 2024 professional development funds on the table.
Every December I offer a “round up” special to former, current, and potential clergy coachees: I will round the amount left in your professional expense line item up to the next session value. This is my way of helping you make sure you don’t leave any of your hard-earned money on the table at the end of the calendar year. Here’s what you need to know to access this special:
If you are a prospective coachee, I welcome you to schedule a discovery call so that you can ask any questions you might have about coaching or the way I approach it.
Contact me about your desire to use the special by noon your time on December 31.
There is no minimum number of sessions you must purchase.
There is no minimum dollar amount you must apply to this special.
If you are a current coachee, the session(s) you purchase using the offer will be added on to the end of your coaching package.
You can use this special to pay now for sessions that start at your convenience, whether that’s immediately or after the busyness of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany.
Those are the nuts and bolts. Let’s get to the good stuff, which is why you might want to explore coaching. The Church and world are in major transition, which means many ministers want to discern what this means for them and their congregations, re-think and re-tool their leadership, and take good care of themselves and the people they love in sustainable ways. (I noticed a big uptick in pastors contacting me for coaching in 2016 after the presidential election and in 2020 when everyone started to realize that Covid wasn't going to be a temporary inconvenience. I anticipate a similar pattern in the coming months as clergy seek support during what we can expect to be a tough season of both leading and simply being human.) Coaching can help you move ahead in all of these open questions. In fact, coaching is one of the best uses of your professional development funds because it
is done remotely,
takes place at your pace and on your schedule,
is geared toward reframing your particular situation in helpful ways,
helps you make positive steps forward, and
can be completely customized to your goals, leadership style, and context.
Invest in your 2025 with 2024 money. Contact me or schedule a discovery call to activate the round-up special by December 31.
Another way to use your remaining professional development funds is to buy a subscription to this Substack! It provides you with weekly theological reflections, practical ministry tips, and original resources, and there is a bonus post each month just for paying subscribers.